Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Must write...

Ok. So, it's been quite a while since I started this with the intent to use it to share my thoughts. I've had many of them, to be sure, but most have just squirreled around in my head before becoming nothing.

I've been very interested lately in how things are stacking up in the middle east. I think it is time for us to take Ezekiel 38 and 39 very seriously. Lets look at some of the more intersting points of that prophecy. First we have a list of nations that ally themselves against Israel (craziness, who would do that?...) The list is short: Russia, Iran, Egypt, Libya and Turkey. I took the liberty of using modern names here for ease of understanding. I didn't do the research but enough has been done that I'm fairly confident with the names.

Notice, that Syria isn't named. Odd that unless: Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

With all that is going on there, this prophecy could be fulfilled any time. Scary, I know.

In any case... Turkey, until recently, was an ally of the west and hardly seemed capable of uniting with others against Israel. However, the recent political gestures from the US and Turkey could lead us to believe that the prophecy's team is almost complete.

Now, I'm not an expert and I read more commentary than I should and not enough of the Bible but even an unseasoned prophecy buff like me can see the writing beginning to form on the wall...

Edit: I wrote this two years ago... wow. God is amazing. These thoughts poored out 2 years ago and are very much in my mind right now. More importantly, the US is a "land of unwalled villiages". We also "dwell carelessly". Is it any more obvious? God is telling us that while Israel is brought into rememberance of HIM we (arguably the most Christian nation in the world... sometimes in name only it seems) will be left behind, as it were. The US is on a collision course with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We have offended Him as a nation, we've spat in God Almighty's face, turned our collective backs on His only Son and we are about to know His wrath. I've had "christians" tell me "God doesn't judge during the Age of Grace... bah, how many nations have fallen that rejected God? All of them. Besides that glaring fact, when Ezekiel 38 and 39 come to pass God is again focused and intent upon Israel.

Repent. It's an old word but more important now than it was when it came into being. We have but a short time to remember from where we've fallen and repent. Seek, His face and His forgiveness.
We've still got time, don't take it for granted.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Night Cometh

Jesus said "work while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work".

I first read that when I was about 5 or 6 years old; yes, I was reading the bible at 5. My walk with the Lord was much more pure then but I didn't "know" I needed him so I never called on His name way back then. However, that verse stuck with me all of these years. It stuck with me and kept me always aware that the night when no man could work was coming. I knew it would happen in my lifetime. At such a young age, I knew I was going to see the end. Why?

I've asked the Lord about this only a few times. Why is a toddler burdened with the knowledge that he will see the end of life as we know it during his lifetime? It served no purpose that I could see, perhaps it drew me to the Lord and if that is the case, then it worked perfectly but I don't remember worrying about that when I was 'saved'. I only knew that I needed a savior and by the grace of God there is one.

Well, the night in question is approaching quickly and, as far as I know, I've done no work. Only a few people even know I'm a Christian, which leads me to believe I've a work yet to do with the night approaching quickly and the knowledge that I would live to see these days, perhaps soon, I'll know why I'm here, what my work is, my mission, my calling, because at the moment... I don't know.


Well, I think I know why the Lord has 'burdened' me with the verse in question. It took a few months, and a sincere request to the Lord, to find out and to realize that I need to finish this post. I actually have the Lord to thank for giving Jack Kinsella the answer that I needed after these 34 years or so.

That verse stuck with me... so that I'd be ready. Here I sit as a repentant sinner, ready for whatever the Lord has for me to do. The time is short, I'm certain this...

Have you called upon His name? If not, for your eternal sake, please do so.

His name is Jesus, or Yeshua, and He alone can forgive your sins. He alone will judge all of us but if you have called upon His name you will be judged according to His atonement, payment, for your sins. For He who knew no sin became sin for the world...

I'm here to warn you. The night comes and no man will share the Gospel with you when it arrives and if they do, you probably won't believe them and it may then cost you your life if you do. Right now, it is still light, the night has not come. The grace of God is still available. Won't you reach out to Him and accept His gift?

Blessings upon you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Old Days

I'm feeling compelled to write about the old days. Nostalgia. What could've been.

Specifically, I referring to that first crush. You know, that awkward early knowledge that your interest in this girl is different than it used to be. Nine year old boys don't know much about tact so they act. My act was to hug this girl in front of everybody in our 3rd grade class. The memory is hazy but I think she blushed, people laughed and I ... was a bit proud of myself. Her recollection could be quite a bit different and really, I'd like to know if it is.

In any case, I've found this girl. 30 years after the fact. I found her on the mighty interweb. I even sent her an ill conceived note to say "hey, do you remember the kid who hugged you in the 3rd grade?"... So far, no response. Though, oddly, expecting one.

But now, I'm quite bothered. I'm overwhelmed with thoughts of "what if" and "how come". Here I am, happily married and I've dredged up memories about a girl 30 years removed from my life who probably has no recollection of me. What is it all about? She's single, that could've peaked my interest, but I'm not single. I think it's just her. I saw her and I was nine again. Looking at her with innocent eyes, with the wonder of her just being different than other girls who were just not boys. I've not felt that way in a long long time. And she looks just like I remember her looking.

Before she was my first crush we were neighbors. I remember we discovered a dead bird in the lot next to her yard. She told me not to touch it. So, I'm pretty sure we poked it with sticks.

So, that's where I'm at. Sort of worried about what some poor girl thinks about the weird kid that made a fool out of her in front of her 3rd grade class. And wondering why I care, 30 years later.